Comment The problem with extrapolation (Score 1) 13
The article describes analysis based on layers of extrapolation.
The first layer, is the analysis of initial studies that show that microplastics, when "taken up by" plants, reduces the efficiency of photosynthesis. the level of microplastics "taken up by" plants in these studies, representative of the levels crop plants are exposed to, or the levels marine algae are exposed to? The article doesn't say, but I'd guess that the levels in the studies were significantly higher than the levels seen in the actual environment.
The second layer, is extrapolating these reductions in photosynthesis, to crop yields, a relationship that has not been established.
The third layer, is extrapolating predicted reduction in crop yields, to levels of starvation. Most starvation is not caused by lower crop yields, but by government corruption or social issues. In the US, for example, no one would suggest that there isn't enough food to eat. The people who struggle to get the nutrition they need, struggle for other reasons, such as poverty, drug addiction, and mental illness. These problems are real, but aren't related to microplastics.